
The best way to predict the future is to create it. The best way to pursue your
own vision and to create opportunities is to become your own boss. 
Entreprneurship - just begin @cforce4me

Entrepreneurship has many highs and lows. From being your own boss,  having flexibility around time, to learning and contant new challenges, it offers a multitude of opportunities to learn, lead a fulfilling life and gain confidence in what you do.

To set a strong foundation new entrepreneurs need to be aware of their strengths, what strengths to have on their team, and have a strategy in place for the gaps. Doing it all as a solopreneur will get you stuck in working in your own business, rather than working on your business and creating the full life you desire.

What we offer:

1. Assessment

How do you know what you don't know? Starting off as an entrepreneur you may have a brilliant idea, but how about business acumen? How high is your willingness to learn? Alternatively, you may be driven by being your own boss, but have difficulties with forecasting and numbers. Or you are confronted with obstacles that seem insurmountable? Find out in which of these 5 areas you are strong at and which ones need some focus: Entrepreneur Assessment.

3. Design Your Life & Business Journey

Entrepreneurs are the ultimate life designers. Their life and work are more closely entangled than that of an employee. To ensure a balanced and healthy business journey, it is vital to design and have a roadmap that fits your desires and aspirations. CForce offers multiple online courses to support you where you are currently are at and takes you to the next level. Contact us for current dates.

2. Free Consultation

After taking the assessment you may want to speak with one of our coaches/ consultants to learn more about what these results show and how to create your personal roadmap to success. Learn more about yourself and discover what areas may need some additional support.

4. Coaching & Consulting

Specific areas may need a deep dive. In order to individually cater to our clients' needs, we offer personal coaching and consulting to empower you in accomplishing what you have set out to do. These specific needs may arise after the free consultation or along the business journey. We have supported many entrepreneurs in taking the next step, moving their business to the next level, and overcoming periods of huge transitions that need new approaches and mindset.

Ready to Take Charge?

Self-Authority and Self-Acceptance

Different Stages of Entrepreneurship

Some of our clients want to become entrepreneurs, but do not have a clear path on how to move forward. Others, already have a business and are ready to take it to the next level. Yet others are facing challenges and seeking for a competent partner at their side. We assess your current situation, clarify what it is that you want, explore the needs to devise a structured plan to move forward and yet enough space for exploration. Successful entrepeneurs are always open to learn, adapt, and create from opportunities. Let’s explore how we can empower you and your team to reach your goals, while enjoying the journey.