First Class Goal Setting Template
This is NOT your average goal setting! Use this template to create a stronger and more effective foundation for your goals.
Lindsey Vertner
A 2007 wreck left Lindsey Vertner brain dead and paralyzed. However, she turned her painful story into a powerful purpose by teaching others how to overcome their obstacles and create a “first class life” full of purpose, fulfillment, and happiness! As a coach, speaker, and author, Lindsey teaches millennial moms and start-up entrepreneurs how to master their mindset and balance their lives through self-care, self-worth, and self-discipline. As co-founder of The Unleashed Woman, she organizes women’s empowerment and networking events. Connect with her at
Watch the Inerview:
Your Personal Reflection Sheet
We would love for you to be inspired, have some great takeaways, and make developing yourself and your leadership a continuous practice. To support the process, download the personal reflection sheet while listening to the interview and personalizing the journey for yourself.