What’s Your Red Rubber Ball?!
WYRRB?! This beautiful interactive PDF is an inspiring way of engaging with your passion. The thought provoking exercises are designed to assist you in the discovery of what dream, goal or passion to chase for a lifetime. ENJOY. GameON!
KATAGLYPHS Limited Podcast Series
Life Katalyzed and Unexpected Wisdom. A show by Kevin Carroll.
Kevin Caroll
Kevin is an author, instigator of inspiration, and creative catalyst. Kevin brings a playful curiosity, a keen understanding of human nature and a lifelong love of competition to all of his endeavors. He is the author of four highly successful books published by ESPN, Disney Press, McGraw-Hill, and A Kids Book About Empathy.
He has helped turn creative ideas into reality for organizations such as Nike, Starbucks, Adidas, Walt Disney, Target, Proctor & Gamble, Columbia Sportswear, Mattel, the National Basketball Association and many others.
Kevin was named by SUCCESS magazine as one of 19 “SEERS – changing the world!” Kevin believes that play is serious business!
Watch the interview:
Your Personal Reflection Sheet
We would love for you to be inspired, have some great takeaways and make developing yourself and your leadership a continuous practice. To support the process, download the personal reflection sheet while listening to the interview and personalising the journey for yourself.